Apply to Play with Sam

A woman pulling back a bar stool

What to Expect

Fulfilling Relationships

Elevated Existence

Luminaire© Foresight

Rapid Manifestations

Unprecedented World changing Impact

Fulfilling Relationships

Elevated Existence

Luminaire© Foresight

Rapid Manifestations

Unprecedented World Changing Impact

Apply to find if its a good fit

Apply to find if its a good fit

I'm thrilled that you want to get in touch. Start with filling in the form on this page.


Once your application is received and reviewed, you will receive an invitation for a clarity session with our team if you are a good fit.

Next, if we find it’s a good match, you will be invited into our exclusive space that's harmonically aligned for you.

I'm thrilled that you want to get in touch. Start with filling in the form on this page.


Once your application is received and reviewed, you will receive an invitation for a clarity session with our team if you are a good fit.

Next, if we find it’s a good match, you will be invited into our exclusive space that's harmonically aligned for you.

I'm thrilled that you want to get in touch. Start with filling in the form on this page.


Once your application is received and reviewed, you will receive an invitation for a clarity session with our team if you are a good fit.

Next, if we find it’s a good match, you will be invited into our exclusive space that's harmonically aligned for you.

Who is this for

You're already making an impact.

You're ready to go beyond worldly success.

You've your inner work dialled.

You're resilient and open to new worlds of possibilties.

Ready to take self responsibilty &
embrace integrity.

Who is this for

You're already making an impact.

You're ready to go beyond worldly success.

You've your inner work dialled.

You're resilient and open to new worlds of possibilties.

Ready to take self responsibilty &
embrace integrity.

Who is this NOT for

You like consuming info but never take action.

You believe its all woo woo.

Looking for a quick fix .

Overly dependent & needs validation all the time.

Not open to be challenged in how you think and embrace change.

Who is this NOT for

You like consuming info but never take action.

You believe its all woo woo.

Looking for a quick fix .

Overly dependent & needs validation all the time.

Not open to be challenged in how you think and embrace change.

Who is this NOT for

You like consuming info but never take action.

You believe its all woo woo.

Looking for a quick fix .

Overly dependent & needs validation all the time.

Not open to be challenged in how you think and embrace change.

Who is this NOT for

You like consuming info but never take action.

You believe its all woo woo.

Looking for a quick fix .

Overly dependent & needs validation all the time.

Not open to be challenged in how you think and embrace change.

Who is this for

You're already making an impact.

You're ready to go beyond worldly success.

You've your inner work dialled.

You're resilient and open to new worlds of possibilties.

Ready to take self responsibilty &
embrace integrity.

Who is this NOT for

You like consuming info but never take action.

You believe its all woo woo.

Looking for a quick fix .

Overly dependent & needs validation all the time.

Not open to be challenged in how you think and embrace change.

Who is this NOT for

You like consuming info but never take action.

You believe its all woo woo.

Looking for a quick fix .

Overly dependent & needs validation all the time.

Not open to be challenged in how you think and embrace change.

Who is this NOT for

You like consuming info but never take action.

You believe its all woo woo.

Looking for a quick fix .

Overly dependent & needs validation all the time.

Not open to be challenged in how you think and embrace change.